CPVC Fittings

Item CPF 1 CPF 2 CPF 3 CPF 5 CPF 6 CPF 8 CPF 9 CPF 10 CPF 11 CPF 12 CPF 13 CPF 14 CPF 15 CPF 16 CPF 17 CPF 18 CPF 19 CPF 20 CPF 21 CPF 22 CPF 23
SIZE(Inch) E 9034 E 90 1 E Cap 34 Coupler 34 Coupler 1 TEE 34 TEE 1 E 4534 E 45 1 FTA34 FTA 1 MTA34 MTA 1 MABT 34x12 MABT 1x12 FABT 34x12 FABT 1x12 E Brass 34x12 TEE Brass 34x12 S OVER BEND 34 RED COPLER 1x34

Pipes & Fittings


Braided Hose

Garden Hose

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PVC Pipes

CPVC Pipes

CPVC Fittings

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UPVC Fittings

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